AGTA History
Often things that are good begin with change. In Tucson, several years ago, a revolution of sorts unexpectedly united a diverse group of people.
Many gemstone dealers were unhappy with the terms of participation in the local show.
They needed a show of their own. In early reflection on the things they were considering, these gemstone dealers quickly realized that they needed more than a show.
They also needed to be able to help steer their own destiny, and, to do that, they needed an association to nurture the interests of member-dealers.
They understood that they needed credibility but also bore a responsibility to protect the interests of buyers — not to do just the right thing for dealers, but also for the entire industry.
Events in Tucson years ago gave birth to the concept for the American Gem Trade Association.
3030 LBJ Freeway, Suite 840, Dallas, Texas 75234
T: 214.742.4367
T: 800.972.1162
F: 214.742.7334
© 2025 Diccut Meeting point of jewelers
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