Our Story
Founded in 2003, Hari Darshan was established by first generation entrepreneurs who have built a business of repute in a short span of time.
During this period, the company has set up state-of-the-art factories in Gujarat, making it one of the leading employers in the region.
The company is built on values of excellence, integrity and continuous improvement and has been instrumental in driving technology improvements in smalls manufacturing..
Our Value Proposition
Hari Darshan is a fully integrated manufacturer of scale.
This enables us to supply highly calibrated assortments in large quantities.
We supply a wide range of product including IF to PK clarities, D-J colours and sizes ranging from 30-500 pieces per carat.
As one of the leading manufacturer with a sealed pipeline, we can provide our customers assurance on product integrity and chain of warranty.
Hari Darshan has emerged as a preferred supplier to a number of leading retailers and jewellery manufacturers globally.
+9122 43434000
+9122 43434040
FC/4070, Bharat Diamond Bourse, BKC, Bandra(E), Mumbai – 400 051 India
Hong Kong
H.D.Diam(HK) Limited
1805, 18/F, Multifield Plaza,
3-7A Prat Avenue, T.S.T,
Kowloon, Hongkong
Tel. : +852 23684007
New York
H.D. Diam INC
22 West 48th Steet,
Suite # 207, New York,
NY 0036, USA
Tel. : +1 212 35407
AU-30-H, AU Tower (Gold Tower),
I-cluster, Jumeriah Lakes,
Dubai, UAE
Tel. : +971 4554095
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