We started our business on eBay and Amazon in 2009 in the state of New York and in 2011 moved to Los Angeles.
We launched our website in mid 2012 and are continually striving to improve our website to offer convenience, ease of use, and exceptional products at amazing prices.
David is a 4th generation jeweler, member of Jewelers board of trade with 15 years of experience running a very large store bob or humungus or neighter in the suburb of New York.
He honed his skills far away from any other jewelry store or repair men to teach him.
He learned the skills necessary to handle a variety of situations from custom designs, repairs, gemology to appraisals.
David has been attending most Jewelry shows in the USA in order to keep up with the newest trends and the jewelry industry in general.
He loves running an online business because he believes e-commerce is the way of future and invests heavily in his online presence and infrastructure.
David believes in running an honest business and to be a positive energy in the world.
606 S Hill St #805, Los Angeles, CA 90014
Phone: (818) 792-0071
Email: sales@jewelrybydavid.com
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