Mc Nair Jewelers Inc
McNair Jewelers is a jewelry shop in Gadsden, AL where we pride ourselves on the quality that we bring to our customers.
Whether we are helping you find the perfect engagement ring, guiding you as you search for a present, or repairing your broken jewelry, you can always expect the very best service of any jewelry store anywhere.
Our store has been part of this community since 1978 because we are committed to taking care of the customer first.
Visit us today not only for our great selection of gold and diamond jewelry, or our dazzling gemstones, but also for the personal attention you deserve.
All of our customizing and repair work is completed here in our store, so you can always expect prompt service!
Stop by or call us at (256) 543-1000.
231 Broad Street, Gadsden, AL 35901, United States
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