Cap d'Agde Studio is a platform specializing in studio apartments and apartment rentals in the naturist village of Cap d'Agde. We directly connect the owners of apartments in the naturist village with individuals wishing to book an apartment for their stays in Cap d'Agde. We select quality apartments, newly furbished and renovated to ensure you an unforgettable holiday in the South of France. Our rental apartments have all been selected by a member of our team to ensure they meet our quality requirements. We can therefore ensure that each apartment or studio has a nice decoration, a nice view, and comfortable bedding. Nespresso, coffee capsules, sugar, shower gel, towels, bed made, everything is made for your comfort. In addition, we are proud to defend a ""human"" approach, and we love the contact with our customers. We understand however that your time is precious. We welcome you in person upon your arrival, we accompany you to your parking place and your apartment. Visit Us:
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