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Executive Functioning Coach- Engaging Minds one on one tutoring for executive function skills to help students manage nightly homework, long term assignments and achieve their full potential through- Tools for learning. Skills for life. With our learning center in Newton Massachusetts, we can offer in-person private tutoring with an executive function coach. Our specially trained educational coaches work one-on-one with students and recalibrate their approach to the learning process. We meet students “where they are” academically, and because of this personalized approach, we are uniquely positioned to meet the needs of a wide range of students in grades 2-12. Executive functioning skills include; Organization of Materials;Organization of Ideas;Planning & Time Management;Initiating Tasks;Flexibility & Transitions;Motivation & Self-Confidence; Working Memory;Self-Monitoring & Follow-Through.
In addition to our classic one-on-one executive function coaching learning center, we also offer online executive functioning coaching as well as executive function-focused enrichment electives via EM Academy. EM Academy electives are designed to excite students, increase academic engagement, and provide additional rigor and enrichment executive functioning skills for those students that need it.
What is Executive Function? The term “executive function” refers to the cognitive control processes of the brain that impact all domains of behavior. Executive function skills allow us to organize information for learning, prioritize ideas or assignments, initiate tasks, set goals and develop plans for how to attain them, plan steps for problem- solving, shift flexibly between different ideas or tasks, hold and mentally manipulate information, and focus our attention. Our executive function coaches, also referred to as EF Coaches or neurodivergent coaching, will give your child or young adult the skills they need as the foundation of academic success.
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