Jewellery Box co

Jewellery box co, is an online jewellery retailer based in south london.

. is an online jewellery retailer based in south london.

We're on a mission to show the world you can buy real jewellery at costume jewellery prices. we pride ourselves on our range, with over 10,000 unique pieces of sterling silver 9ct gold jewellery for you to choose from. we're passionate about the designs we offer and think buying jewellery should be affordable, easy, fast and above all fun.

Jewellerybox was launched in june 2014 and since then we’ve grown to become a small but powerful force in online jewellery retail sending out up to 10,000 orders a week to customers in over 100 countries worldwide.

unit 3
151 - 161 tunnel avenue
london, se10 0pw
united kingdom



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