A. R. Akin Rare Coins & Currency
Rusty Akin is the principal of this company, and he has been buying and selling rare coins since 1968.
Personal service is his motto, and you will find that he is readily available to help you in any way possible.
With over thirty years of business experience, we are positioned within the industry to provide a wide variety of service to the numismatic community.
Our standards for excellence and industry reputation make us uniquely qualified to address your needs, whether buying or selling.
If you have individual coins, sets, major collections, or just plain accumulations for sale, why should you consider working with us to maximize your return?
Rare coins and precious metals are my primary business, and for significant holdings, I can usually pay more than your local baseball card dealers, jewelry stores and pawn shops.
During recent years, there has been an explosion of people holding themselves out to be Coin Dealers, often with little, or no experience.
I can travel to buy your collection if the size warrants.
P.O. Box 1022
Trussville, AL 35173
By telephone:
Phone: 205-612-8541
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