Absolute Opals & Gems Pty Ltd
Lightning Ridge is a world-renowned centre of the mining of black opals.
Lightning Ridge, or ‘The Ridge’, as it is fondly referred to by locals, is renowned for the largest production of quality Black Opal in the World!
The illusory mystique of ‘The Ridge’ has lured many a hopeful miner over the past 100 years coming to try their luck at finding the “big one”. While some have fortuitously struck it rich, others continue the search, resolute in their quest for that elusive prize: top quality “red on black”.
Our display of a full and complete range of Lightning Ridge Black Opal in all its magnificent forms, a strong mining and buying presence on the Opal Fields, an experienced and knowledgeable team, and a genuine love of all the entire range of opal and associated industry, makes Absolute Opals & Gems well worth a visit, if you too appreciate the wonders of Australia’s National Gem Stone… Opal.
Lightning Ridge is a flourishing tourist town with numerous accommodation options.
Temperatures in summer can exceed 45 Celsius. Below ground the temperature is 22 degrees, year round
66 Morilla Street
Lightning Ridge NSW 2834
Ph: 02 6829 1386
Mob: 0427 291 386
Email: sales@absoluteopals.com
Web: www.absoluteopals.com
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