About Us
Alemdara is a fine jewellery collection inspired by symbols of luck and protection.
Each piece is hand-crafted by artisans in the ancient markets of Istanbul using traditional Turkish techniques.
This spirituality derives from Ottoman legend, where keeping a hand of hamsa or an evil eye on your person wards off any jealousy or ‘evil eye’ from others.
The simple, designs lend Alemdara jewellery its day-to-evening appeal: moving seamlessly between yoga class, cocktail party and black-tie occasion.
They epitomise the art of versatile accessorising – subtle enough to be styled with other favourite jewellery pieces or layered together, yet striking enough in their simplicity to hold court as a single, intriguing necklace, bracelet or earring.
Want to see the jewellery in person?
You can set up an appointment at our central London showroom. Please email info@alemdara.com to arrange this.
For any questions regarding your order, please email us at orders@alemdara.com
For media inquiries please contact press@alemdara.com
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