Amore Ltd
The Perfect Gift for all life's occasions…that's amore
The Amore Experience
Share in the Amore Jewellery Experience, innovative, modern, and distinctive, fashion led designs at affordable prices.
The perfect gift delivered with our attractive packaging.
We ensure our products are of the highest quality in terms of design and production.
This means you can buy from our extensive collection with confidence and enjoy a quality product that has been lovingly crafted.
About Amore
Amore craftsmen started their working lives at the bench as diamond setters, with a vision to create innovative jewellery collections of modern & distinctive designs, combining precious & semi-precious stones with gold & silver to produce glamorous and exciting styles that fuse classic designs with a modern and contemporary feel.
With over 30 year's experience of creating beautiful jewellery, the designers have recently made the natural progression to silver and created a high quality, design led collection called Amore Argento.
PO Box 698
Rickmansworth Hertfordshire WD3 0GG
Telephone: 0345 450 3966
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