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Ancient Aura Jewelry
We are a small Black-owned eCommerce business that started in boroughs of New York. Our pieces are inspired by ancient indigenous cultures that created the foundation of spiritual laws of which all various(occult & religious) groups still thrive on today.
By adorning yourself with these pieces you pay reverence to these ancestors which will allow you will tap into the spirit of their greatness.
We also believe that the enchanting affect of these ancient symbols will have a subtle affect on one's Aura. This will increase the confidence within the individual as a constant reminder that they are standing on the shoulders of giants(their ancestors). Letting others know the wisdom & principles you firmly stand on that will garner a high level respect.
By law of attraction, these symbols will help you repel the ignorant & attract your tribe in order for you to build upon your legacy & help lead you to your destiny.
PO BOX 37024, Elmont NY 11003
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