Andre Messika’s journey into the mystical allure of diamonds spans across the world and over 55 years.
The founder of Andre Messika LTD.
Andre’s passion for diamonds was imbedded in the upbringing of his children, and when Ilan, Andre’s son, joined the company in 2014, it was obvious that the tradition of excellence, and the search for exquisite diamonds would continue with the younger generation transcending it into the new era of diamond trading.
Trust, Transparency, Traceability and the highest standard of Ethics and Integrity are synonymous to Andre Messika LTD, and the basis of all business undertakings in any of the offices worldwide.
Andre Messika’s extensive and varied stock includes: All shapes and sizes from 0.20ct to 20.00+ct, Single stones and matching pairs, Natural fancy colors, rare and unique stones, Certification GIA and HRD. Tel Aviv, Hong Kong, France, Belgium.
Israel, Ramat Gan
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