Hello, I am Ronnie Andress, the owner and founder of Andress Jewelry.
I am striving to offer high quality jewelry and unique treasures at exceptional prices, including loose diamonds and colored gemstones.
For those times when the ideal piece of jewelry is only a vision,
I offer in-store custom work both creating new treasures and re-styling old ones.
There are no tricks or over-pricing, just honest service. I want you to be comfortable as you shop and to never settle for less than you expect. Honesty is the foundation on which I wish to build a long lasting relationship with my customers. Excellence and integrity are the principles with which I conduct business.
I am a member of the Alabama Jewelers Association and Jewelers of America.
I do the in-store professional repairs. I want to be your jeweler, A Jeweler You Can Trust.
21 1/2 Saraland Blvd.S
Beside Sherwin Williams
Saraland, AL 36571
Phone : (251) 675-9020
Fax : (251) 675-9092
Email : r_andress@comcast.net
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