Anna Sheffield makes jewelry that is uniquely meaningful. Through our Ceremonial and Fine Jewelry pieces, we render the ephemeral enduring, capturing the alchemy and energy that bring people together and moments to life.
More than ornamental, each piece of jewelry is a precious talisman, imbued with history, alive with meaning, and destined to be passed down for generations.
Anna Sheffield’s childhood in the Southwest has had an enduring influence on her work, setting the stage for a lifelong interest in natural beauty, spirituality, and all forms of art and design—from architecture to indigenous crafts.
These diverse interests led her to pursue a degree in sculpture.
After moving to New York City, Anna shifted her attention to jewelry, drawing upon her Fine Art fundamentals to create a singular style—elegant, irreverent, and truly original.
Anna Sheffield Los Angeles
8503 Melrose Avenue
West Hollywood, CA 90069
+1 310 596 3596
Anna Sheffield New York
19 Bleecker Street
New York City, NY 10012
+1 212 925 7010
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