Antique Jewelry Mall
The Antique Jewelry Mall was founded in 2001 by an antique addict and a GIA Gemologist with a love of art, architecture, jewelry, and gemstones.
Everyone told us we were crazy to attempt to try and start an online company right after the dot-com bust and that people would not ever buy jewelry online! So, we kept our full time "real" jobs, and worked after hours and on weekends, photographing and describing jewelry until we were finally able to transform our dream of an online showroom full of vintage jewelry items into a reality.
All of our gold, platinum, and palladium jewelry is crafted in the US. Making our jewelry in the US allows us to work side by side with our jewelers to personally maintain ongoing quality control over the workmanship in our finely detailed jewelry pieces.
We are also proud to have made the conscious choice to support our talented local jewelers in their practice of the vanishing art of hand crafting fine jewelry in the US, one piece at a time.
1-800-360-5970 USA
1-888-828-0150 Canada / USA
0-800-808-5150 UK
1-760-260-9120 International
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