The ANU TEMPLE jewelry is made in Istanbul by the master artisans of the Grand Bazaar; formed in harmony with a design that reflects the mystic secrets of an ancient world that still remains in our collective consciousness.
Our handmade Mala’s are knotted by ANU TEMPLE’s creator during her meditative moments. The ANU bracelets are made from traditional “Carpana” weaving which is a deeply rooted cultural heritage in Anatolia and are hand woven by local artisans. Our baskets and bags are recreated from 50 years old hand-woven up-cycled Anatolian rugs.
Celebrating the traditions and the artisans with ANU TEMPLE’s ever changing products, is also a way for us to preserve the past while providing tangible solutions for an environmentally sustainable future.
Email :
Whatsapp: +90 533 509 4495
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