In 1997, through the organizational efforts of local industry leaders, the Ontario Chapter of The Armenian Jewellers Association (AJA) was founded.
The mission of the Armenian Jewellers Association is to unite Armenian Jewellers locally, abroad and within Armenia itself, in order to advance Armenian jewellery manufacturing, trade and commerce throughout the world.
The purpose of the organization is to draw on the strengths of its members based on their Armenian heritage and their diverse entrepreneurial and business experience in order to foster communication among jewellers in the vast Armenian community.
Armenians have always been recognized for their highly skilled artisan talents within the Jewellery sectors of manufacturing.
Maintaining this leadership role is equally important to the AJA as it preserves the pedigree and legacy that Armenian Jewellers have built through generations of commitment to the Jewellery trade.
© 2025 Diccut Meeting point of jewelers
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