Since its establishment over thirty years ago, Barlant has lived up to its name: the original Arabic word for Brilliance.
It has since then, emerged as a recognized and reputable name in the fine jewellery industry delivering quality, experienced craftsmanship, innovation and range to the local market.
The vision for Barlant was brought to life by husband and wife, Talal Malhas and Rabab Mango who became partners in business and life, intertwined through love, art, and stones.
The innovative duo, a master diamantaire and artist, believe in setting the highest standards for excellence, and using only natural gems and stones.
Their team of highly specialized craftspeople are equally committed to creating perfect objects using hand selected stones and the latest technology.
Barlant’s design team is headed by Rabab, whose work is dedicated to creating innovative collections as well as unique one-of-a-kind keepsakes.
Through this commitment; they have well established themselves at the forefront of the Jordanian jewelry industry; serving their customers through two premium locations in Amman.
#13 Shatt Al Arab, Um-Uthaina | P.O.Box: 3466 Amman 11181, Jordan
+962 79 588 7606
+962 6 5560997
2nd Circle, Jabal Amman, #40 Islamic College Street | P.O.Box: 3466 Amman 11181, Jordan
+962 79 588 7606
+962 6 4617599
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