Best Bargains Jewellery.
Best Bargains was established in 1991 and is comprised of a multi-award-winning mother-daughter team and has been in operation for almost 30 years.
This Canadian boutique jewellery manufacturing company was established in 1991 by Sheela Agrawal.
We specialize in low cost sterling silver and 10/14KT gold jewellery with genuine gemstones and pearls that are made right here in Canada.
Our competitive pricing allows our clients a higher than industry average profit return.
We have global exports in over 20 countries and 20,000 B2B clients.
Best Bargains is located in the heart of Toronto’s jewellery district at 27 Queen St. E.
The location is ideal for visitors who are looking to do their one-stop shopping with an abundant number of appraisers, gemologists, goldsmiths and gold dealers and smelters.
Toll Free: 1.800.661.4871
Tel: 1.416.214.2582
Fax: 1.416.214.4626
205 Church St, Suite 200A
Toronto, ON M5B 1Y7
27 Queen St. East, Suite 202
Toronto, ON M5C 2M6
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