Boone Titanium Rings
We had distributors in 56 countries all around the world. In 1997, the market slowed down for aftermarket bike products, and I accepted an offer at GT bicycles, with whom I had dealt with on the Olympic super bikes. I programmed their laser that cut the bike tubes. In late 1998, GT was bought by the owners of Schwinn, so I left there before they shut down. We decided to continue on with the titanium rings, and Boone Rings is now located in Georgia and I make the rings full time with Steven Post. Trish and Chrissy handle the paperwork, finances, and shipping. My son Tyler just graduated from Georgia Tech and has joined the company to learn the business. He is also working on our social media presence. The business is doing well and we're having fun creating new products.
3939 Royal Drive Suite #236
Kennesaw, GA 30144
For crypto merchandise related questions, please contact Tyler (@tboone8 on Twitter) at the following email:
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