Where did we come from?
Founded in 1830, Charles Fish are part of an independently owned, family run business with over 180 years (and counting!) of history behind us.
Named in honour of the founding member, ‘Charles Fish’ was launched in 2006. Charles Fish is part of ‘Fish Brothers Group’; a company formed of three businesses areas including two Charles Fish stores, nine Fish Brothers Pawnbrokers and one Charles Fish branded Swarovski store.
Charles Fish can be found in the bustling high streets of Harlow and Chelmsford, Essex (and of course, online!).
Within our stores, and on our website, you'll find an assortment of designer and trend pieces. We handpick each and every brand that we present in our store to ensure we have the best choice imaginable..
Charles Fish Boutique
1 Harvey Centre Approach
Harlow Essex CM20 1HF
United Kingdom
01279 451573
Charles Fish Boutique
76 High Street Chelmsford Essex
CM1 1EJ United Kingdom
01245 494777
Swarovski Chelmsford
76B High Street Chelmsford
Essex CM1 1EJ United Kingdom
01245 499011
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