Clifton Opal Pty Ltd
Clifton Opal Pty Ltd, part of the Gemtec Group of Companies, has been supplying the gemstone industry worldwide since 1971.
Clifton Opal recognised as Australia’s leading cutter and wholesaler of precious Queensland Boulder Opal.
Operating from his base at Longreach Airport in Queensland, Maxwell Lane, who spent years an instrument rated Pilot, would fly regularly with his team to remote mining airstrips throughout Western Queensland to purchase gem quality rough Boulder opal.
The rough opal is then initially “blocked out” in Longreach by removing excess ironstone then flown back to Clifton’s cutting factory in Sydney for final cutting and polishing before being wholesaled to the World market.
Suite 316, 3rd Floor, The Trust Building
155 King Street, Sydney
NSW 2000
Phone: + 61 2 9231 3647
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