Dalumi Group
A leading player in the global diamond and jewelry industry, the Dalumi Group has earned a reputation as one of the diamond world’s most trusted names.
Established in 1960 by Asher Dalumi and run today by the family's second generation, Dalumi Group is an international company with worldwide distribution operations.
Dalumi is a De Beers Group of companies’ Sightholder since 1993 with an additional sight in Botswana since 2007.
The Dalumi Group’s mission is to maintain and enhance our role as a leading global diamond and jewelry company, operating through all the stages from rough to polished and onward to the designing and manufacturing of fine diamond jewelry.
Dalumi has a strong commitment to assuring excellence and a promise of supplying only natural, conflict-free diamonds.
50W 47 st., suite # 1711, New York , NY, 10036
Tel: (+1)-212-644-9030
Tel: (+972)-3-755-0000
Email: info@dalumi.com
Our office in
Maccabi Building, 1 Jabotinsky St. , 10th Floor , Ramat Gan, Israel.
Contact person - Ketty Chai
Tel. (+972)-3-755-0000
Mobile number (+972)-3-755-0000
Our office in
Hong Kong
17/F, Siu On Centre, 188 Lockhart Road Wan Chai, Hong Kong.
Contact person - Candy Chan
Tel. +(852)-2522-9050
Mobile number +(852)-2522-9050
Fax - +(852)-2522-3450
Our office in
50W 47 st., suite # 1711, New York , NY, 10036.
Contact person - Nir Yosef
Tel. (+1)-212-644-9030
Mobile number +1(917)543-4005
Fax - (+1)-212-644-9015
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