New and second hand goldsmith machinery and the best technical support for your company. Fabor is a young company based in the province of Vicenza. We're specialized in the purchase and sale of new and second hand goldsmith machinery. Each machine is reconditioned with care and precision. Our technicians have been working in the sector for years, which is why we are also available to provide advice and technical assistance to companies. SHOWROOM Via Europa, 10 36050 Cartigliano VI LEGAL ADDRESS Via Cristoforo Colombo, 94 36061 Bassano del Grappa VI ADMINISTRATION OFFICE COMMERCIAL OFFICE PHONE +39 0424 1890494 WHATSAPP +39 329 8434101 FOR ANY INFO ABOUT THE IRANIAN MARKET PHONE +98 913 421 7830 WHASTAPP +98 913 421 7830 TELEGRAM +98 913 421 7830
Fabor Italy (Goldsmith machinery) | #macchinari #machinery
New and second hand #goldsmith #machinery and the best technical support for your company.
We're specialized in the purchase and sale of new and second hand #goldsmith #machinery.
Each #machine is reconditioned with care and precision.
Our technicians have been working in the sector for years, which is why we are also available to provide advice and technical assistance to companies.
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