Stuller started in 1970 when one young jewelry entrepreneur embarked on a single mission: to provide exceptional experiences that were easy, fast, and reliable — every time. Each day, our team of engineers, bench jewelers, technologists, and other experts work to make our customers the hero, advance the jewelry industry, and be ready when things go awry.
With our five operations — three in North America; one in Barcelona, Spain; and one in Bangkok, Thailand — we provide more than 200,000 products, next-day delivery, and all the services a jewelry professional needs for success. While we may have evolved in the past five decades, we’ve maintained our superb customer service by keeping sight of our main focus: jewelers.
We are Stuller. And we are always here for you.
302 Rue Louis XIV, Lafayette, LA 70508, USA
Mailing address
PO Box 81889, Lafayette, LA 70598
Toll free:800 357 6272
Direct: +1 563 884 8180
Tech support: 888 357 6272
Fax: 877 619 1889
Stuller: +1 800 877 7777
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