G-S Supplies, Inc., originally known as Germanow-Simon Machine Company, was founded in 1916 by Julius Simon and Harry Germanow in Rochester, New York. Today, we are a third generation family-owned, woman-owned, SAM-registered business that strives to continually exceed our customer’s expectations.
Our company is the originator and developer of plastic watch crystals. Today, our company stocks thousands of plastic and glass watch crystals, and supplies products to watchmakers, gauge and instrument manufacturers and repair shops, jewelry designers, and manufacturers of machinery and equipment. In addition, we custom manufacture glass and plastic components for a broad range of products, including watches, clocks, jewelry, gauges, technology devices, equipment displays and readouts, and a wide variety of instruments.
1150 University Ave, Suite 5
Rochester, NY 14607 USA
Toll Free: 1-800-295-3050
Phone: 585-241-2370
Fax: 585-241-2375
Email: info@gssupplies.com
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