Guangbo Handcrafts Co.,Ltd is located in Dongguan City near HongKong and have our own factory in Jiangxi Province. we are good at sewing products for more than 20 years, our main products are garment accessories and promotional gifts.
More than 1000 clients from all over the world made we have rich experience to export goods to different countries in any shipping way you like.
Any new project we could assitant, please kindly give us a chance to service for you, and we you get great service from us.
Add: No.13 Industry Road, Hengliu Area, ShatianTown , Dongguan City , Guangdong Province, China
Post Code: 523980
Tel: 0086 -769-85981587(factroy)
Tel: 0086 -769-21666895(sales department)
Fax: 0086 -769 - 81265895
whatsapp: +86 15377769004
wechat: 15377769004
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