Hong Kong Jewelry Manufacturers' Association
Found in 1988, Hong Kong Jewelry Manufacturers' Association (HKJMA) dedicates to providing diverse quality services for our members and facilitating the development of the industry.
HKJMA is dedicated to the uplifting global status of the local Jewelry manufacturing industry.
With the four core values, namely ‘member-oriented’, ‘sustainable development’, ‘excellence in operations’ and ‘social responsibilities’, we closely work with our peers to strive for a bright future.
Address Unit G, 2/F.,
Kaiser Estate Phase 2,
51 Man Yue Street,
Hunghom, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel (852) 2766 3002 (General)
(852) 2122 5074 (Exhibition Affairs - Ms. Cheung)
(852) 2122 5052 (Membership Affairs - Ms. Tsang)
Fax (852) 2362 3647
E-mail enquiry@jewelry.org.hk
Shenzhen Representative Office
Address Room 1803-2, Ginza Shuibei Building,
No.97 Beili North Road,
Luohu, Shenzhen, China
Tel (86 755) 2561 1070 (General)
(86 755) 2561 1080 (China Affairs - Ms. Cai)
Fax (86 755) 2561 1387
E-mail jmachina@jewelry.org.hk / jmachina@163.com
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