IDI Jewelry
About Us
The Israeli Diamond Industry presents the Online Marketplace with all Israeli Diamond Jewelries in one place.
The Israeli Diamond Industry is one of the most important and largest diamond centers worldwide.
In addition to its status as a leading polishing center, the Israeli Diamond Industry has developed into an international trade center through which rough and polished diamonds pass regularly and subsequently adorn a significant volume of the diamond jewelry sold all over the globe.
The Israeli Diamond Industry is based on a tradition that goes back hundreds of years.
It prides itself on its skillfulness, resourcefulness and uniqueness as well as its unprecedented creativity and cutting-edge technology.
It adheres to a strict ethical code and offers buyers a wide variety of merchandise and services all under one roof.
The Israeli Diamond Industry’s high technological standards, its skilled and trained manpower, as well as the incorporation of the second and third generation in the Industry, help to preserve its status as an international leader even during world recessions.
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