Since our inception in 1931 and continuing to the present day the JAA works nationally to represent and protect the interests of the jewellery industry and its consumers. With a current membership of around 650 outlets, the JAA covers all areas of the jewellery industry – from manufacturing, wholesaling, distribution to retail.
The JAA is proud to promote the highest standards and ethics within the Australian jewellery industry.
Each of our members adheres to the JAA Code of Conduct, showing their commitment to the industry, its clients, and to excellence.
Trust is a key part of consumer confidence and providing a Code of Conduct by which our members must adhere enhances this trust between business to business and business to consumer.
Postal Address
PO Box 3536, Wamberal NSW 2260
02 8328 2833 (Mon-Wed only)
© 2025 Diccut Meeting point of jewelers
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