Judson & Company
Judson & Company is based in Decatur, Alabama and was founded in 1989.
Judson has always been a family owned and operated business that brings you the quality and personal touch that you deserve.
As you browse our ever-expanding website, you will find valuable tools that have been designed to help your maximize your business...
Judson & Company began doing business by selling brand name watches (Seiko, Citizen, Elgin, Casio etc).
In 1994 a complete line of sterling silver jewelry was added to our already fabulous showcase.
Most sales were made via catalog phone orders or at the many trade shows that were scheduled.
In mid 2004 Judson & Company unveiled its first web site.
Thanks to valued customers like you, the company has grown to be a huge success.
We have converted most of our sales from a legacy method to hosting our showcase via the web site.
It allows us to bring new products to the market much faster and in a very efficient way.
We are continually improving our operation and web site functionality.
You can count on Judson & Company to continuously strive for ways to better serve you.
Are you a retail company who is looking to buy from a reliable wholesaler? We strive to bring you only the best quality merchandise.
After all, our success depends on your success. Create an account today and start the business you’ve dreamed about!..
715 Summit Dr SE
Decatur, AL 35601
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