Our company that is active in the market since about 35 years got the name of ŞENGÜL KUYUMCULUK TURİZM TEKSTİL SAN. VE TİC. LTD. ŞTİ in 1987 and collected its knowledge and experience under brand MAMUŞ and has reached today without any concessions on quality and service. To this end it is still serving with 1 factory, 3 ateliers, 2 whole and 1 retail stores.
Our company is steadily moving towards becoming number one bracelet manufacturer in the world and is one of the pioneer companies with its more than 3000 designs.
Our company’s product portfolio contains 8,9,10,14,18,21,22 carat bracelet, wristband, sets, pendants, earrings, rings etc. and the new product lines are supported every day by R&D studies.
Our company is successfully carrying out its domestic market sales while it is repeating this success in export as well.
Our company completed many exports via intermediary firms to UAE, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Algiers, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel in the Middle East and to Germany, France, Lithuania, Spain, America and Russia and all products have attracted wide attention.
Our company founded its import-export department in 2010 and continues to produce quality products without any concessions to service.
We as Mamuş Jewellery who comes to mind first when bracelets are concerned are honored to have you, our valuable customers with us.
+ 90 530 976 95 20
+ 90 212 603 15 82
29 Ekim Cad. Köyaltı Mevkii Kuyumcukent Sitesi Atölye Blok 5.Kat 5.Sok No:17 ,Yenibosna, İstanbul
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