Martha Seely’s jewelry is flawlessly executed by jewelry artisans, using recycled metals and magnificent, ethically mined jewels sourced from around the world.
Using the oldest traditions of jewelry making combined with the newest technology - resulting in chic jewelry that does not follow trends, but starts them..
About Our Manufacturing
The various Martha Seely collections are designed by the artist in the USA and artisan-made by a diverse team of jewelry makers, to Martha’s specifications.
The designer is also pleased to customize her jewelry for individual retailers and consumer customers.
“It is extremely important to me that we protect our beautiful world and the people in it,” says Martha. As a result, she uses recycled precious metals and responsibly sourced gems, and chooses her manufacturers with care.
Her collectors appreciate contemporary design, often buy jewelry for themselves, and regard jewelry as a kind of talisman that helps them feel confident and powerful.
Carlisle, MA
United States
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