Midas is the most reliable brand in the world for the manufacturing of machine and hand-made solid and hollow chains.
The result of combining these different technologies allows for the production of fancy jewelry with unprecedented craftsmanship.
The Midas name is known throughout the industry for wholesale solid chains, hollow chains and fancy jewelry.
Our production capabilities have always met the worldwide demands of customer’s deadlines.
We create customized design requests in addition to setting new trends globally.
Midas has a team of highly skilled and trained jewelry designers that specialize in state of the art manufacturing.
These designs range from chains to an array of fancy and fashion forward models.
In addition to the 150,000 square foot manufacturing factory in Turkey,
Midas has a US headquarters office. This office is responsible for the distribution of all North American sales to independents and national retailers.
0542 422 75 73
+90 212 503 90 80
Yalçın Koreş Cad. No:18 Yenibosna / Bahçelievler - 34197 ,Bahçelievler, İstanbul
151 Veterans Drive Northvale
New Jersey 07647
Tel:(201) 244 – 1150
Fax: (201) 244 – 1151
Email: sales@midaschain.com
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