At Moon Magic, we don’t just sell jewelry. We’re on a mission to bring a little bit of magic to mindful and strong women around the world.
We believe that high quality jewelry shouldn’t just be for a limited group of people, and strive to offer fair pricing while keeping ethical sourcing in mind.
By selling online only, we avoid traditional markups and pass those savings directly to you…
High quality jewelry shouldn’t just be for a limited group of people..
It all began in Bali in 2016. We started Moon Magic with two founders, a passion for genuine gemstones, and a vision to change the game. They set out with a dream to disrupt the outdated jewelry industry and make quality jewelry more accessible.
From our early days shooting our own photos and packaging every order ourselves, to a fast growing company with a team of more than 50, our values have remained the same.
Now based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida and shipping around the globe, we’re still committed to stunning, hand selected jewelry and personal service...
We work exclusively with authentic,
natural stones.
Want to carry Moon Magic in your store?
Fill out the quick form below to get started, and we'll get back to you shortly.
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
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