Richline Group, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway, is a foremost precious metals and materials manufacturer and marketer.
From alloy production to the creation of internationally recognized consumer jewelry brands,
Richline Group is a worldwide, vertically-integrated presence throughout the precious materials supply chain.
Through strict adherence to responsible sourcing, oversight, and compliance, we are dedicated to leveraging our unique position to advance the relevance of our industry.
Richline Group
Corporate Headquarters
1385 Broadway
New York, NY 10018
(800) 966-8800
Richline Group -USA
6701 Nob Hill Road
Tamarac, FL
(800) 327-1818
Richline Group -USA
2501 W. Burbank Blvd.
Suite 307, Burbank, CA 91505
Richline Group – Canada
75 Torbarrie Road
Toronto, ON M3L1G5
Richline Group – China
3/F and 4/F, Block No.19 C1 Sha Wan Jewelry
Industrial Park No. 999
Fook Lung Main Rd.
Panyu Distr., Guangzhou
Leachgarner – USA
49 Pearl Street
Attleboro, MA
Leachgarner – USA
1420 Coulter Dr. NW
Roanoke, VA
Leachgarner–Hong Kong
Unit A1–A4, 18/F,
Gemstar Tower 23 Man Lok St
Hunghom, Kowloon
2364 7665
No. 999
Fook Lung Main Rd.
Panyu District, Guangzhou
Via Piero Clamandrei,
31 Arezzo, AR 52100
Rio Grande – USA
7500 Blue Water Rd. NW,
Alburqurque, NM 87121
DRL Manufacturing – Dominican Republic
San Pedro De Macoris 21000
Richline S.A (Pty) Ltd.
Rand Refinery Estate,
Refinery Rd., Industries West, Germiston 1401
27 11 418 1600
Richline Digital – USA
1385 Broadway
New York, NY 10018
Inverness – USA
6701 Nob Hill Rd.
Tamarac, FL 33321
Inverness – HK
Unit A1-A418/F
Gemstar Tower, 23 Man Lok St. Hunghom Kowloon
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