Rikoo was established back in January, 2004, when all we had was a gorgeous supply of tiger's eye and a few dedicated lapidary artists to carve and polish the stones.
Currently, we employ over 40 artists, and stock and work with nearly all well-known precious and semi-precious gemstones, crystals, and minerals in the world.
Rikoo maintains a stock of over 400 types of beautiful minerals, including nearly all the notable crystals and gemstones in the world: clear rock quartz crystal, amethyst, citrine, ametrine, rose quartz, smokey quartz, rutilated quartz, agate, onyx, carnelian, chalcedony, jasper, calcite, corundum, sugilite, obsidian, rhodonite, rhodochrosite, larima, jade, emerald, opal, ruby, moonstone, tourmaline, bloodstone, tiger's eye, amber, turquoise, lapis, geode, pyrite, malachite, ammolite, fluorite, aventurine, labradorite, amazonite, aragonite, and many, many more.
Because of our large stock, and exclusive relationships with mineral/stone suppliers worldwide, we are unrivaled in quality with certain types of stones, Tiger's Eye and Pietersite, for example.
At Rikoo we have people whose only job is searching for these stones worldwide. We even have our own purchasing agents in Brazil, South Africa, Australia and Madagascar, which have rich mineral mines.
Contact Us
3100 George Washington Way Suit 140 Richland, WA 99354-1663
United States
Suite 52501, Tianxiu Garden, Tianxiu RD Beijing 100193 China
Phone (Toll-free):
(sales support)
(suggestions for our website, products, etc.)
(cooperation on business, events, ad, etc.)
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