Royale Diamonds
Royale Diamonds was founded in 1985, with the objective to make beautiful jewellery accessible, affordable and forever wearable. After speaking to hundreds of women across the country, we came to find that there was a common dilemma women faced - picking between expensive jewellery for special occasions, and everyday jewellery that was of inferior quality and was not keeping pace with their changing lifestyle. Royale Diamonds was founded, to give women access to modern, fine jewellery, that was also wearable everyday.
Diamond Jewellery has been inspiring the history of mankind for centuries. With their deep colours, perfect shapes and pure precious materials, Diamonds are a Girl’s best Friend Diamonds speak not only of glamour and luxury, but also of the miracles of time and nature that give form to such astonishing beauty. The Diamonds from Royale Diamonds sparkle with unmistakeable brilliance with perfectly shaped facets in exquisite designs.
1st Floor, Sanas Plaza
Subhash Nagar, Plot No. 1302, Shukrawar Peth
Pune, Maharashtra - 411002
+91 8698011110
020 24471151
+91 8796923730
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