Michael Salvatore established Salvatore & Company Diamonds and Fine Jewelry in 1996.
Since its inception, Salvatore & Co has been committed to maintaining the highest standards in the diamond industry and has earned its reputat..
At Salvatore & Co, all diamonds must meet exacting standards. Certificates from the finest worldwide laboratories back the majority of our stones (GIA, EGL and IGI).
Product and professionalism separate Salvatore & Co from the other merchants.
With the majority of our jewelry being manufactured and designed in New York City, we are pleased to stand behind every item we sell.
In addition, Salvatore & Co is more than happy to customize any item at the client's request. If it is the client's vision, we can make it a reality.
581 Fifth Ave, New York, NY 10017
Michael Salvatore: michael@salvatoreandco.com
Terri Levitsky: terri@salvatoreandco.com
Peter Cardella: peter@salvatoreandco.com
Liza Giraldo: liza@salvatoreandco.com
Veronica Salvatore: veronica@salvatoreandco.com
Stephanie Talian: stephanie@salvatoreandco.com
General Info: info@salvatoreandco.com
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