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this is my story...
I began working in Hovsep Çatak’s workshop in the Grand Bazaar when I was 12 years old. Since then, I've turned this multi-layered cultural mosaic that I've been lucky enough to be a part of - and the stories whispered into my ears by all living creatures - into my unique jewelry.
I tell my own fairytales with them. I'd love to tell these tales to you too…
My first milestones…
The first milestone of my craftsmanship is the domed ring design I fit the spirit of Istanbul into, the cradle of civilizations.
But what I really pioneered is different. I pioneered a focus on unique jewelry that didn't matter how long it took to complete. I pioneered designing the patient hand craftsmanship, regardless of target audience or price range. I pioneered placing small touches on my art, sometimes hidden and completely invisible to the naked eye. It's this holistic approach to craftsmanship, which my reverse intaglio methods grew out of, that really is the true milestone I had to cross before beginning my illustrious career.
This approach of mine has since inspired jewelers over the world, both in terms of technique and in terms of vision. Jewels capturing moments and stories from palaces to mosques, from the portraits of Sultans to the women of the harem, from mythological legends to brilliant natural scenes have delighted both patrons and artists alike, all of which gives me a great feeling of pride..
Grand Bazaar
Molla Fenari Mah. Gazi Sinanpaşa Sk. No:12 Fatih 34120 İstanbul
Phone Number:
(+90) 212 520 45 16
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