Established in 1896 by Ernest Gregory Sherman (Ernie), Sherman Opals have been wholesaling and exporting Australian opals for well over 108 years. The Sherman family has been at the helm of the Company all this time, building an indisputable reputation for quality and price.
Specialising in the prized Lightning Ridge Black Opal and Crystal Opal, Sherman Opals also carry extensive stocks of solid Queensland Boulder Opal and South Australian solid Light and Crystal Opal.
If you are a wholesaler of jewellery or loose stone, please contact us and discuss your requirements. We travel extensively overseas, personally visiting clients and exploring new markets. We are experts in Australian Opal in all forms to which our longevity in business testifies and are more than willing to discuss your needs.
E. Gregory Sherman Pty Ltd ( trading as Sherman Opals ) is a 3rd generation family business established in 1896 by Ernest Gregory Sherman (Ernie). Ernest Gregory Sherman Jnr (Greg) followed as did his two sons, Peter Gregory and Warwick Gregory Sherman.
The business is owned Peter Gregory Sherman , eldest grandson of founder ‘Ernie’ Sherman..
Peter Sherman
Phone: (612) 9233 6355
Fax: (612) 9233 4010
2/67 Castlereagh Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Ph: 02 9233 6355
Mob: 0400 899 900
HONG KONG ( Agent )
Swan Gem Co Ltd / (Swan/Sherman ) (Mr Grimwig Lau)
Room 1006, 10/f, Haiphong Mansion
99-101 Nathan Road
Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: 852 2721 9122
Fax: 852 2368 2671
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