About Sky Diamond Co.
Sky Diamond Co is the New York City leading Luxury Jewelry & Watches Store for the buying, selling, and trading of both new and pre-owned luxury watches; fueled by world class sourcing ability, innovation, and unmatched trading experience in the high-end watch market.
With a physical store in the heart of NYC and plans to expand beyond, Sky Diamond Co. is the trusted destination for watch buyers around the world.
Unrivaled Selection
Sky Diamond Co is not a marketplace; we own every watch that we sell.
This allows us to implement a true global quality standard.
As one of the largest buyers of pre-owned watches in New York City, our selection is ever-changing, with thousands of pre-owned watches from the best brands available at any given time, all of which are inspected and brought to “mint” condition, ensuring exceptional quality.
43 West 47th Street
NY NY 10036
Call Us Toll Free: +1 929 888-4087 | Email Us: skydiamondco1@gmail.com
© 2025 Diccut Meeting point of jewelers
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