Vedic Meet is a problem-solving app. It addresses daily life problems using Vedic consultations, including astrology, numerology, palm reading, tarot reading, vastu consultation, reiki healing, and more.
Vedic Meet helps users overcome their challenges with Vedic remedies provided by the astrologer or consultant. You can set a reminder in the app itself to help you remind to practice suggested Vedic remedies, which will remind you on-time.
The app also features Vedic Meditation, India's first Vedic mantra meditation. Users can join communities to discuss problems anonymously.
Access the Vastu Compass, a world-first tool that provides a home report and highlights potential issues due to improper vastu by your own.
Explore daily horoscopes, relationship compatibility checks, and generate Kundli.
Engage with daily content and discover various ways to tackle day-to-day problems in the explore section.
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