Wismar Jewelry Co is pleased to serve the Baldwin County, Fairhope, AL, community. A variety of diamond shapes are available at This jewelry store for engagement rings. Willyou.net categories - Diamond Engagement Rings and Wedding Rings.
In 1976 I became a goldsmith’s apprentice under my father.
Using Old World integrity and workmanship, he trained me in the fine art of jewelry design.
My designs, integrating graceful, natural forms with a contemporary flair are influenced by what I experienced while growing up on the Texas Gulf Coast.
I strive to create wearable art; to me this means jewelry with a unique design that’s fun and easy to wear. I envision my jewelry as miniature sculptures and I work to carry out the design throughout the entire piece.
2 South Church Street
Fairhope, Alabama 36532
Please call 251-928-5858.
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