The World Silver Council is a market development organisation for the silver industry.
Working within the investment, jewellery and technology sectors as well as engaging in government affairs, its purpose is to provide industry leadership whilst stimulating and sustaining demand for silver.
With our unique insight into the global silver market, we see unrealised potential for silver across society.
With world-class organisations, we intervene to create new possibilities and work to ensure silver mining is responsibly undertaken, with measurable economic benefit globally.
Based in India, the World Silver Council is a n organization whose members comprise the country's leading silver miners, dealers, bullion dealers and silver jewellery retailers and manufacturers.
The world of silver is dynamic. Its uses are widely-varied, and its desirability is resilient and enduring. Silver helps combat infections and is an essential element in bacterial control medicinally. It protects the wealth of individuals and nations alongside gold. It is a precious metal considered important for future revolutions in science and carries memories across generations and cultures.
'IBJA House, 2nd Agiary Lane, Zaveri Bazar, Mumbai - 400002'
+91-22 49098950 / 49098960
+91-22 23426971..
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