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Live Times is the digital first 24 X 7 Satellite News channel. We are guided by a clear vision, mission, and core Indian value of “Satyam Shivam Sundaram”. Amidst the threats of fake & deep-fake, we will endeavour to serve the connected audience across geographies with truth-based news and information.
Every individual has the right to know the truth and Live Times is committed to deliver the same. We shall contribute towards building truth-based World Information Order, and foster the democratization of news and information across the globe.
Strive to uncover and provide absolute truth to every member of our audience. Live Times is to deliver news and information independently, impartially, and with the utmost quality, all in service of the greater public good.
Live Times' set of values forms the ethical compass guiding our every action.
They serve as the foundation for the delivery of news to our audiences.
• Truth Alone Triumphs
● The World Is One Family
• Celebrate Diversity, Contribute to Conflict Resolution, Peace and Harmony
• Protect the Environment
• Free, Fair and Fearless
• Work for our Audience Universe Relentlessly
• Take Pride in Delivering Quality and Value for Money
• Creativity is the Lifeblood of Our Organization
• Team Live Times: Great Things Happen When We Work Together
© 2025 Diccut Meeting point of jewelers
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