Welcome to the Home of Laminates, welcome to Merino. From a humble beginning with the launch of plywood in 1974 and subsequently high-pressure laminates in 1981, the Merino Group has come a long way. Today, the group is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of decorative laminates for interiors and has global recognition of being a leader in the laminates and panel industry. The Group has diverse business interests that expand from Interior Architectural products to Information Technology to Food & Agro products. With its presence in over 80 countries that span across the five continents, Merino Group achieved an annual turnover of over 215 Million USD for the FY 2018-19. Driven by the inherent value of constant innovation, Merino offers a diverse bouquet of multiple surfaces with infinite design possibilities that showcase its world-class manufacturing prowess. The ever-growing network of stakeholders corroborates the group’s eminence and indicates a promising future for years to come.
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