Allie places her mind in Tatiana's hand, holding the letter opener.

Allie places her mind in Tatiana's hand, holding the letter opener.


They’re concealed here, even as the dawn brings on more danger.If the soldier gives up, they could be safe.As if he’d ever use those pennies again.It almost makes him laugh.They keep their clothes half on.He touches his lips to the livid line at her collarbone.They lie side by side.After what they’ve seen, they cannot want it fast or hard now, either of them.They touch one another gently, feeling out the places where they are alike and where they are different.He shows her he is ready, and she is ready, too.They slide together simply, key in a lock.They move slowly and easily, taking account of each other’s particular pains, smiling and sleepy and for a moment without fear.They come with soft, animal grunts, snuffling into each other’s necks, and fall asleep like that, legs intertwined, underneath a found blanket, in the center of a war.Exceptionally complete Cataclysm Era carving, around five thousand years old.Found in western Britain.Here it comesThese things are one thing.The power seeks its outlet.These things are always happening.The sky, which had seemed blue and bright, clouds over, gray to black.There will be a rainstorm.It has been long in coming, the dust is parched, the soil longs for soaking, teeming dark water.For the earth is filled with violence, and every living thing has lost its way.In the north and the south and the east and the west, the water gathers in the corners of the sky.In the south, Jocelyn Cleary puts up the hood of her jeep as she takes a concealed exit down a gravel track that looks like it might lead to something interesting.And in the north, Olatunde Edo and Roxanne Monke wake to hear the rain pounding on the iron roof of their shelter.And in the west Mother Eve, who once went by the name of Allie, looks out at the gathering storm and says to herself, Is it time?And her own self says, Well, duh.It was Tatiana’s own forces, mad with power and maddened by delays and the orders that keep coming in, saying, Any man can betray you, any of them could be working for the North. Or was it just that Tatiana has never bothered to control them properly?Maybe she’d always have gone mad, whatever Mother Eve had done to her.The forces are slipping out of Tatiana’s control.There will be a military coup within weeks if someone doesn’t take charge of this situation.And then North Moldova will march in and take the country, and the stocks of chemical weapons in the southern cities.Allie sits in her quiet study, looking out at the storm, and counts the cost of business.I’ve always told you that you were meant for great things.You command respect not only here but everywhere.Women would come here from around the world if you 153 Views
