Signature Jewelry Packaging

Our Pouch Gallery is really an idea incubator. Discover how the subtle interplay of fabrics and textures, of drawstring and print choices, can help you build a one-of-a-kind pouch program. <br> <br>A program that will make every jewel look more expensive and precious, a program that will

Division of Plasticrest Products, Inc.
Signature Jewelry Packaging


Since 1945, our family has been building and importing the finest jewelry packaging products, including presentation boxes, jewelry pouches and Euro Shoppers.

We focus on the mid-to-high end segment of the market, and our products are handmade from the finest materials, including Ultrasuede, Charisma Suede, Silsuede and Silkskin, Integrity Leather, Kenized Flannel, Skivertex, Pellaq, Silktouch Nuba and others. We feature more fabrics and colors than any manufacturer in the industry.

There are no cookie cutters in our factory.

Our packaging is classic, elegant and timeless. It will build your brand and your business, make every jewel look more expensive and precious, close more sales, thrill every recipient at the gift giving moment, minimize returns, and pave the way for the next sale.

If you are one of the thousands of customers we've worked with over the past 70 years, we'd like to thank you for your loyal business. If you're shopping for something new and exciting, or just want to visit, please feel free to contact me personally.

4519 W. Harrison Street Chicago IL 60624
800.828.2163 ~ 773.826.2163
Fax 773.826.4227

